Netherlands to ban possession and sale of nitrous oxide

Netherlands to ban possession and sale of nitrous oxide

  • November 15, 2022
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The Hague: The Netherlands is to ban the possession and sale of nitrous oxide next year, the Dutch Health Ministry announced in The Hague late Monday.

As of 1 January 2023, the gas, which belongs to the group of nitrogen oxides, will be put on the list of prohibited narcotics, the ministry said.

Exceptions apply for medical and technical purposes, such as its use by doctors as a mild anaesthetic. Private individuals may also still buy small cartridges filled with nitrous oxide, for example for whipped cream dispensers.

According to the ministry, the misuse of nitrous oxide as an intoxicant has increased considerably in recent years. However, nitrous oxide has “major health risks,” the ministry warned.

The number of serious traffic accidents in which the driver had inhaled nitrous oxide has also risen sharply. Young people in particular inhale nitrous oxide with balloons. The gas causes a brief high, and can cause nerve damage.

-Ranjith Perera-

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